The first and best thing you can do before the weather allows you to start prepping your soil is to get everything in order. If this is the first time that you have planted in your area, then there is a lot to do. To be able to grow a healthy garden, you will need to learn about your soil and if anything needs to be done with it before planting. Some other aspects to think about is what will grow in your area, the kind of plants you would like to grow and how much time you have to spend working on the garden. Why don’t we take some time now to explore some topics about gardening.
Consider The Climate
We have to admit that we are nursery junkies, too, and we just love walking around in them. The larger the nursery, the more interesting and fun they can be. The main goal of the nursery of course is to sell the numerous plants that they carry. You can buy many different types of seeds as well as mature plants of all kinds. Be aware though of what you can reasonably grow and what you already have at home. We can be fairly certain that not every beautiful plant in full bloom will grow well in your soil or climate. Of all the flowers, roses can be the most lovely and inspiring. A lot of time can be devoted to learning about them. A word of caution however when you buy rose bushes. Be aware that the roots of the bush should be sufficiently wrapped with moss. This is essential for when they are out of the ground. the roots healthy and moist before planting. When being shipped, they also need to be kept fairly cool. The roots should never become to dry or hot before planting in the ground.
Don’t Forget Your Safety
We want to offer a small reminder here about staying healthy and keeping your skin protected from the sun while gardening. You probably already know from the vast amount of information available about over exposure to the sun. Its so easy to lose track of time when working in the garden and often before you know it, you have spent hours out there. It is easy to get totally involved in the garden work and completely forget about using good skin protection. Be aware that you need to be thinking of skin protection anytime you plan to work in your garden. We have noticed that the amount of information on the net related to gardening is much more focused on things other than health and safety. It is certainly understandable that is that way. Even though its just gardening, it is still an important to be conscious of it. Honestly, we do think most people forget about health and safety issues. Always try to take the right safety precautions so that you can enjoy many years of gardening.